My friend a few hundred miles south of me is working several signals, and they are barely perceptible to me. Jul 21, 2012 overview of my 15 meter twoelement moxon beam antenna. Moxon g6xn en su libro hf antennas for all locations rsgb publications, great britain 1993. It was written by kg4jjh, who provides detailed drawings of the parts and directions for assembly. The following is an article which i wrote and was published in the february 20 edition of the central coast arc smoke signals magazine. Dec 18, 2016 swr checks on each antenna were consistent with earlier measurements, namely an swr software for working out the dimensions. I didnt fancy the standard wire antenna with the cross support poles, i wanted something a little sturdier, and found this website which describes all the details for constructing a tubular moxon including the moxgen software for working out the dimensions. That seems to be what happened here so when i build a 17m moxon soon thats what i will do.
About dualband 17m20m moxon the resource is currently listed in in 3 categories. Over the past few months i have been evaluating the yagi against the moxon rectangle and have to say that the yagi with a parasitic reflector is a very good antenna for its simplicity and ease of construction compared to the moxon rectangle. I built it from plans in the may 2003 issue of qst magazine. Elevation plot on 20m measurements to build a moxon 8 element. Vortex antenna systems radio communication antenna. The following schematic shows the moxons geometry and radiation pattern.
The other is my new 3 element beam in this project. The 40m loop antenna ed, vk2ji this antenna is also known under the names sky loop and dxbuster and is very similar to a horizontal delta loop. I wanted an antenna that could dx with the united states of america anytime the band was open. Louis varneys antenna, although three half waves long, was an outofphase aerial. Any such, capacitive, load should be placed at a high impedance point of the antenna. So far no one has rated yet, so be the first to rate. This is antenna modeling software that uses excel for an interface and standard nec 2 equations. Sep 17, 2016 the two pieces of pvc form the element separators for the 15meter moxon top wire and the 17meter moxon bottom wire. There is a very high attenuation at 180 and its very sharp.
The sm50 is a directional 6m antenna occupying approximately 50% of the space of a 2 element yagi, yet having similar gain and better fb. Constructed of 38 hard drawn 6063t832 aluminum tubing, 6061t6 aluminum, uv resistant pvc, and stainless steel hardware. Constructed of 12 and 38 hard drawn 6063t832 aluminum tubing, 6061t6 aluminum, uv resistant pvc, and stainless steel. Experiments with a moxon rectangle antenna, ik1zyw. The light beam multiband antenna has been developed for hams who want one antenna which enables them to operate on multiple amateur bands. The radiation pattern is shown in the traditional arrl style and was generated from the final design by xnecview.
The moxon beam has a 0,18lambdaboom and still 50 ohm. Jpole antenna is pretty easy to build and usually designed by amateur radio operators through this software, you can easily find out four important parameters to build this antenna namely, radiator length, driven stud length, gap space, and feedpoint. Aug 11, 2010 in searching the internet i came across a potential solution as kt4qws website who describes a 17m and 10m hanging loop antenna. Monoband beams for 12 and 17 meters i designed a pair of driverdirector yagis for 12 and 17 meters using antenna modeling software, in this case, nec4. This antenna uses the g0ksc opdes design on both 40m and 20m to provide fullband coverage on each. Originally designed by les moxon g6xn, the antenna is stealthy and is an ideal solution for those whose space is limited or restricted, but also gives the user a directional antenna for a smaller footprint the moxon design has the end parts of the element bend at 90 degrees which helps. A mini moxon antenna for 40 meters band project in a well done pdf document by w7xa dualband 17m20m moxon a moxon rectangle antenna for 17 and 20 meters band by n3ox. Modeling the 40m w6nl moxon 1 april, 2012 modeling the w6nl 40m moxon greg ordy, w8wwv april, 2012 v1. He asked me to write this small program incorporating his work and i was happy to oblige.
The moxon rectangle comprises of 2 elements, a driven element and a reflector element. Construction of a 20m vertical moxon for use adjacent to. The idea was simple and elegant, two vertical and rectangular loops fed from the same point, similar as to how multiband dipoles can be fed from the same feedpoint sometimes called a fan dipole. By changing the frequency and wire size, the software calculates the measurements labeled ae. The moxon antenna design the moxon antenna was designed by les moxon g6xn and is an optimisation of an earlier australian design for a compact 2el beam. Moxons in the attic part 3 nashua area radio society.
Build a 17m qrp ssb transceiver using standard computer crystals for the filter and vxo. This project to construct a vertical moxon antenna for the amateur 20m band was inspired by the work and experience of pete mills, m3kxz, and the moxon antenna project group. The moxon design has the end parts of the element bend at 90 degrees which helps. This program has been derived from a public domain basic program written by l.
Stressed moxon antenna par electronics filters for the. View antenna display, showing the wires making up the model of the fiveelement beam, with currents and 2d slice superimposed to show orientation. If you have tried the moxon generator program to design a moxon rectangle, then you are familiar with the moxon antenna. It is used to design jpole antennas for the desired frequency. I know the antenna works, as ive had contacts elsewhere, with gain. It may sound and look like a g5rv but it is a substantially different antenna on 20 meters. However, i could hear some jas on 17m and other dx in 12m, which gave me good vibes for the final installation. Moxons in the attic part 1 nashua area radio society.
Z085640011 moxon style rectangle yagi for 18mhz 17m. See the moxon diagram pictured for the general layout of the twoelement yagi, and see cebiks page for other ingeneous dual band versions, including a 17m30m dualband moxon yagi. The mfj1890 is a lightweight aluminum antenna designed to operate in the 10 meter band and we had hoped that with a little messing around we could get it to tune. G0ksc home of the lfa yagi free yagi antenna designs for. Mogpie is a software development company owned by m0cvo antennas that develops windows 10 apps for amateur radio. Since then it has been a very popular limited space yagi do to its very compact size. Moxon g6xn in his book hf antennas for all locations rsgb publications, great britain 1993. Eantenna 1217mox as the entire antenna consists of two elements moxon shaped rectangle so we avoid that the length of the antenna is fully extended and even has an antenna beneficiode be very low noise level. How we use your data new regulations come into force on may 25th 2018 gpdr to help protect your data privacy. The antenna is similar to a 2element yagi with the element ends folded toward each other. For an overview of this antenna see the cebik article the moxon rectangle. Jan 05, 2007 this was the verticallyoriented moxon antenna i setup for the california qso party out in mariposa county on october 2006.
The stressed design allows the antenna to be light weight yet strong. M mana is an antenna analyzing tool based on the moment method introduced in mininec mini numerical electromagnetics code version 3. The 2elementyagi with reflector has normally a 0,2lambdaboom and an impedance of 50 w. One restriction is that i cant put up a usable tower or pole for a beam antenna. Dual band rectangular loop antenna for 15m and 10m va3stls. A 2 element moxon antenna for the 11 meter 27mhz band. It describes a 4 element moxon antenna for 6m, 4m and 2m. I read somewhere that its a good idea to set the center frequency higher than you really want because the finished beam will be resonant somewhat lower. I did some searching on the web and came across the moxon antenna which looked to be just the job and fairly easy to build.
I looked at a number of small or compact yagis, hexbeams, quads, etc. Jan 26, 2008 see the moxon diagram pictured for the general layout of the twoelement yagi, and see cebiks page for other ingeneous dual band versions, including a 17m 30m dualband moxon yagi. This is a world wide web front end for a public domain program written by w4vp9kf using php. The performance of the antenna, through the model, will be explored in several typical settings. Mininec should not be confused with nec, which is a large antenna analysis program written in fortran and designed to run on mainframe computers. G0ksc home of the lfa yagi free yagi antenna designs. Collectively we have all drawn on the experience of les moxon, g6xn, and his work to transform the vk2abq 2 element. The back rectangle was the reflector and the driven element. Antenna modeling software and other utility programs by dan maguire, ac6la autoez automated use of eznec. As you can see, the forward lobe is broad, and its an advantage as you do not really need to turn the antenna, especially if you can get usjaeu in this main lobe. Moxon antenna project, kd6wd here we see the software set to design an antenna for 17 meters using 18. Jpole is a free and portable antenna design software for windows. Hello all i am working on a new multiband moxon antenna project 1012151720m. The main category is moxon antenna plans that is about links to moxon antenna resources.
Se1720m moxon antenna for 17 or 20 meter operation. At first, antenna modeling software is difficult to understand, primarily because of the cartesian coordinate method used. Design goals some forward gain good directivity high fb and fs ratios relatively small size good bandwidth min. Cebik, w4rnl, developed an algorithm for calculating the dimensions of a moxon rectangle antenna. A plan for hf log periodic antenna working 1020 meters band by va2phi. But as the moxon gets it fabulous performance from the capacitive coupling between the ends of the two elements one should avoid upsetting this geometry. For this moxon beam or moxbeam project i describe a portable version of my attic antenna that is built from composite lumber, fiberglass tubing. Originally designed by les moxon g6xn, the antenna is stealthy and is an ideal solution for those whose space is limited or restricted, but also gives the user a directional antenna for a smaller footprint. Dimensions 10,2 4,0 meter, the aluminum boom is only 8,7 meter, gain 11,07dbi.
This link is listed in our web site directory since wednesday dec 10 2008, and till today dualband 17m20m moxon has been followed for a total of 3664 times. There are numerous limitations at my present qth location in pretoria, south africa. Monoband beams for 12 and 17 meters i designed a pair of driverdirector yagis for 12 and 17 meters using antennamodeling software, in this case, nec4. This beam is a 2elementyagi with radiator and reflector and reduced size to about 75% of a normal beam.
Build a 17 meter reduced size coaxial moxon retangle. From 2010 to 2014 i used a 15 meter twoelement moxon beam as a temporary antenna for contests. The moxon rectangle was first introduced by les moxon, g6xn during the 1950s. The moxon generator design program configures a file for direct import into antenna modeling software. The program is based on an algorithm developed by l. The author isa keen enthusiast of the moxon rectangle antenna, invented by the late les moxon, g6xn. Essentially it consists of two metal or wire elements. This antenna consists of 2 moxon style rectangles mounted on a boom similar to a yagi antenna.
The w5gi multiband mystery antenna is a fundamentally a collinear antenna comprising three half waves inphase on 20 meters with a halfwave 20 meter line transformer. Apr 30, 2015 the light beam multiband antenna has been developed for hams who want one antenna which enables them to operate on multiple amateur bands. I decided upon a 17 meter band moxon yagi, because it would sit on a frame measuring 23 feet 6. Software beta testing was provided by a group of fellow amateurs. Moxgen will show you the dimensions and optionally generate an antenna model file for a 50 ohm moxon rectangle antenna, given the design frequency and wire size. I have read a few articles about feeding the elements and i was hoping if anyone had the opportunity to realize this project before or has any idea of feeding the antenna. The moxon antenna is a relatively simple antenna to build as it consists of just 2 elements, yet has a decent gain of about 6 dbi and a fronttoback approaching 30 dbi or more. A satisfactory point for installing a capacitive load is. Once the matchbox and reflector wire are attached phillips screw driver the antenna tunes and mounts without.
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